Albion junior dog handler will compete in Switzerland next month
Provided photo: Lydia Hofmann of Albion is one of 19 juniors to qualify for the European Open Dog Agility Team that will compete in Switzerland in July. She is shown with Chase, a Shetland Sheepdog.
ALBION – An Albion girl is headed to Switzerland next month to compete in American Kennel Club’s European Open Juniors Agility Team USA.
Lydia Hofmann and her dog Chase are among 19 juniors and their K-9 partners representing the United States in the competition.
Lydia started training with Chase, a Shetland Sheepdog, by taking a dog obedience class with Ron Leight at Leighthouse Obedience Training in Albion. She joined the Orleans County 4h K-9 Companions Dog Club and continued her training with Ron and Patty Leight and Rachael Kiefer.
Lydia has competed at the Orleans County 4-H Fair and State Fair, winning awards in showmanship, obedience, rally and agility.
Lydia and Chase currently train in agility with Della and Jim Sliker at Agility Dream Dogs on Eagle Harbor Road in Albion. Lydia and Chase regularly compete in AKC agility trials. She would like to thank her family and all who have helped her reach this milestone.
People interested in supporting Lydia financially are welcome to participate in a raffle for a $50 gift certificate that is offered at Olde Dogge Inn in Albion.
For more on the AKC’s European Open Juniors Agility Team USA, click here.