Albion, Holley, Kendall and Medina budgets all pass easily

Photo by Tom Rivers: Albion held its budget vote at Hoag Library due to a school construction project. The district also set up a student art show in the library for the public to see.

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 21 May 2024 at 10:09 pm

The school budgets in Albion, Holley, Kendall and Medina all received strong backing from the public today.

ALBION: The $42,320,666 budget passed, 332 to 73, with 82.0 percent in favor. The budget keeps the tax levy at $8,449,039. This is now the 16th time in the past 18 years that taxes have either stayed the same or decreased.

“Thank you to everyone who voted today,” said Superintendent of Schools Mickey Edwards. “It is with your continued support we are able to promote the success of our students and staff here at Albion. We’re looking forward to another great year for our Purple Eagles.”

Other propositions also passed:

• Spending up to $650,000 for bus purchases from reserve funds, approved 352 to 52.

• Establishing a capital improvement reserve fund for up to $15 million, approved 330 to 69.

• Proposition to collect $664,510 for Hoag Library, approved 317 to 87.

There are two seats up for election and voters elected Kelly Kirby with 306 votes and incumbent Linda Weller with 208. Tim McMurray, 113 votes, and Derek Reiner, 137, also were on the ballot.

HOLLEY – The proposed $29,615,000 district budget was approved in a 340-113 vote or with 75.1 percent in support. The budget represents a 2.4 percent spending increase with taxes up by 1.49 percent.

Voters also approved:

• A proposition to authorize spending up to $363,000 to replace school buses – 332 to 121

• And a proposition to collect $206,840 for the Community Free Library – 362 to 94

There were five candidates for four positions up for election for the Board of Education. The three candidates with the highest number of votes will each serve a three-year term. The candidate with the fourth highest total will serve a two-year term.

The totals include: Jennifer Reisman, 313; Salvatore DeLuca Jr., 303; Joseph Flanagan, 300; Shannon Brett, 292; and Allysia Pogel, 202.

KENDALL – The $20,921,832 budget passed with a 189-46 vote or 80.4 percent in favor. The budget will increase taxes by 1 percent with spending up by 2.5 percent.

Voters also authorized spending up to $350,000 from the Transportation Bus Reserve to purchase transportation vehicles. That passed 194-43.

Two candidates ran for one five-year seat on the Board of Education. Colleen Dorney was elected with 143 votes while Scott Martin received 93.

MEDINA – The school district’s $42,162,921 budget was approved with 80 percent in favor, or 228 who voted yes, to 57 who said no.

The budget represents a 2.0 percent tax increase. This is the 15th consecutive year Medina is under a state-imposed tax cap of about 2 percent, said Dr. Mark Kruzynski, the district superintendent.

There are two candidates for two open seats on the board. Both are incumbents. Jennifer Buondonno received 235 votes, and Alissa Mitchell had 226. There were 8 write-ins.