Albion girls blank Medina

By Mike Wertman, Sports Writer Posted 24 September 2014 at 12:00 am

Photo by Cheryl Wertman – Albion’s Emily Blanchard (8) battles for the ball with Medina’s Kylie Bielak (14) during the Purple Eagles win over the Mustangs this afternoon at Vets Park.

Improving to 4-3 at the halfway point of the league season, Albion blanked rival Medina 2-0 at Vets Park this afternoon in Niagara-Orleans girls soccer action.

Mariah Elsenheimer scored what proved to be the game winner with eight minutes to go in the first half off an assist from Emily Blanchard.

It remained a tight 1-0 game until Mikayla Yaskulski scored an insurance goal off an assist from Blanchard with 10 minutes remaining in the second half.

Justice Nauden earned the shutout in goal.

The loss drops Medina to 2-4-1 in N-O competition.

Photo by Cheryl Wertman – Albion defender Vivian Rivers (5)keeps the ball away from Medina’s Martha Gardner.

Wilson 3, Barker 0
Frontrunning Wilson stayed unbeaten at 7-0 with a 3-0 win over Barker as Lauren Austin, Gina Godwin and Jen Darlak each scored a goal.

Barker is now 0-6-1.

Roy-Hart 8, CSAT 1
Emma Lindke scored 4 goals and Ava Bligh and Amber Villella each netted 2 to spark Roy-Hart (2-5) past CSAT (1-6) 8-2.

Akron 8, Newfane 2
Erica Papke, Paige Buscaglia and Cailn Regan each scored two goals to lead Akron (6-1) past Newfane (5-2) 8-2. Buscaglia also had 3 assists and Regan 2.