Albion expects Phipps Road bridge replacement in summer 2025

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 24 December 2024 at 10:54 am

File photo by Tom Rivers: The Phipps Road culvert over Otter Creek has been closed to traffic since Sept. 9, 2022.

ALBION – A bridge that has been closed to traffic in Albion since Sept. 9, 2022 is expected to reopen as a new bridge next summer.

The Phipps Road bridge was closed after an inspection showed the steel high-beam supports were rotted.

The Albion Town Board and Highway Superintendent Michael Neidert successfully secured a state grant to replace the bridge, which is technically a culvert at 19.5 feet.

The new bridge will be 25 feet, which technically makes it a bridge, Neidert said. Bridges are classified as spans that are at least 20 feet.

Gov. Kathy Hochul announced on July 5, 2023 that the new bridge was awarded $1.038 million in Bridge NY funds. The bridge is over a tributary to Otter Creek.

Neidert said the replacement bridge is currently in design phase by Ravi Engineering and Land Surveying in Rochester. He expects the project to go out to bid in the spring with construction in the summer of 2025.