Akron girls nip Albion; Newfane tops Medina

By Mike Wertman, Sports Writer Posted 28 January 2020 at 9:42 pm

Akron edged past visiting Albion 50-48 in a Niagara-Orleans League girls basketball game this evening.

Jessee Jonathan poured in 34 points, including the game winning basket, to lead the way for Akron which improves to 3-5.

Honesty Little scored 16 and Paige Derisley and Kendall Derisley 13 each for Albion which slips to 6-3.

Akron led 27-19 at the half but Albion rallied back into a 33-33 tie and the contest was a sea-saw battle the rest of the way.

Newfane 44, Medina 20
Leading 14-8 at the half, Newfane used a big 20-5 third period scoring edge to key a 44-20 win over host Medina.

Lauren Boudeman scored 9 and Allison Clark 7 to lead Newfane which got point production from 10 players as the Lady Panthers improve to 7-1.

Sarah Sones scored 7 and Faith Vanderwalker 6 for Medina which slips to 0-9.

Wilson 47, Barker 19
Front-running Wilson improved to 8-0 with a 47-19 win over Barker (3-6) which got 11 from Sydnie Luckman.

N-O Standings
Wilson 8-0, Newfane 7-1, Albion 6-3, Roy-Hart 3-5, Akron 3-6, Barker  3-6, Medina 0-9

G-R League
Attica downed Lyndonville 49-42 and Alexander defeated Kendall 43-33 in  Genesee Region League games.