After reprieve, freezing cold returns

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 24 February 2014 at 12:00 am

Photo by Tom Rivers – A row of trees runs parallel to Gaines Basin Road in the town of Gaines, north of the Erie Canal in this photo taken this morning.

After a few days with temperatures above freezing, the harsh cold has returned to Orleans County today. The high is forecast at 23 degrees with a low at 14.

It was snowing earlier this morning, and there were whiteout conditions in some spots, especially when the snow blew across the road.

It’s going to stay cold for the next few days. On Tuesday, the National Weather Service forecasts a high of 20 and a low of 7, followed by a high of 13 and low of 5 degrees on Wednesday. On Thursday, the high will be 16 with a low of 2 degrees. There is a chance for snow each day, according to the Weather Service.