After House impeachment vote, Gillibrand and Schumer want ‘full and fair trial’ in Senate

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 19 December 2019 at 8:23 am

New York’s two senators say the U.S,. Senate now has an obligation for a “full and fair trial” on the whether President Donald Trump should be impeached on charges of obstruction of justice and abuse of power.

The House of Representatives approved impeachment of the president on Wednesday, only the third time a president has been impeached. None of the Republicans in the House voted for impeachment.

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, the leader of the minority conference in Senate, issued this statement on Twitter:

“The impeachment of a president is a solemn and serious moment for our country. At the start of a trial in the Senate, all senators will swear an oath to render impartial justice. The American people deserve that the Senate conduct a full and fair trial.”

New York’s junior senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, issued this statement following the impeachment vote in the House:

“As a senator, I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution and to faithfully discharge the duties of my office. This includes holding the president accountable for bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Now that the House has formally charged President Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of justice, the Senate will do its constitutional duty to try the president for these alleged crimes. I will enter the proceedings with one purpose: to find the truth and deliver justice. It is incumbent on all of us—Democrat or Republican—to cast aside partisanship, consider the evidence marshalled by the House, and make an impartial judgement on whether to acquit or convict the president.

The facts laid out by the House are disturbing. According to an admission by his own chief of staff, President Trump withheld military aid to an ally, currently engaged in warfare with Russia, in an effort to extract political favors for personal gain. Although President Trump has done everything in his power to stonewall the House’s investigation, numerous nonpartisan military and career professionals have provided testimony relating this alleged abuse of power.

History will remember those who stood up for our values, our country and the rule of law, as well as those who enabled the degradation of our democracy. I intend to be in the former.”

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