Advice from Sheriff: Don’t text and drive
Press Release, Orleans County Sheriff Chris Bourke
ALBION – Distracted driving has become a national epidemic, endangering passengers and others on the roadways.
Due to this danger, Orleans County Sheriff Christopher Bourke has announced the Sheriff’s Office will join forces with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and other law enforcement agencies across the United States to actively enforce the “U Drive. U Text. U Pay. Campaign.”
This high-visibility campaign runs from October 8-12.
According to NHTSA, there were 2,841 people killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers in 2018. Texting while driving has become an especially problematic trend among younger drivers.
In fact, in 2018, 8 percent of people killed in teen (15-19) driving crashes died when the teen drivers were distracted at the time of the crash. Texting while driving is an illegal, ticketable offense. You could end up paying a hefty fine, and get points on your license.
Struggling to not text and drive? Here are some suggestions:
• Activate your phone’s “Do Not Disturb” feature
• Place your cell phone in vehicle trunk, glove box, or back seat
• Designate a passenger as a designated texter
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