Achievement Night is chance for 4-H program to recognize dedicated youth

Photos by Kristina Gabalski: 4-H club officers pledge to attend and preside at meetings regularly, appoint committees, and give all members a chance to take part in club decisions and activities.

By Kristina Gabalski, Correspondent Posted 27 October 2017 at 8:18 am

Orleans County 4-Her Nicole Mrzywka welcomed 4-Hers, their families and club leaders to Achievement Night Thursday evening in the Trolley Building on the Orleans County 4-H Fairgrounds. This year’s theme was “A night at the movies!” 4-Hers were encouraged to dress as their favorite movie character.

KNOWLESVILLE – Orleans County 4-Hers gathered Thursday evening in the Trolley Building on the 4-H Fairgrounds to recognize contributions made by members and leaders during the past 4-H year.

Fair Royalty, 4-H Fair Master Showmen, large and small animal Grand Master Showmen and Orleans County 4-Hers who exhibited at the 2017 New York State Fair were recognized.

The Adventurers, Heelers, OC Beef and Dairy, and Hooves and Heartbeats 4-H Clubs were recognized for 100 percent re-enrollment, which compares the number of club members at the end of last year to the number of club members on September 30, 2017.

4-Hers Aeddon Cayea and Rachel Gregoire received the 2017 4-H Martin David Scholarship, which is awarded to worthy 4-H youth who apply and plan to enter college or the Armed Forces. Cayea and Gregoire received their awards prior to Achievement Night. Their selection was based on their 4-H Leadership and participation, school activities and integrity.

4-Hers who participated in the Public Presentation Program, District Public Presentations, and 2017 Project Champions were recognized. Project Champions will be invited to the Teen Recognition Dinner in January and will receive a project champion pin at that event.

Five Star Horse Awards went to Riley Seielstad, Faith Woody, Kate Spierdowis, Jaime Schieber, Zayda Moyle, Ari McGurn, Becca Albright, Andrew Moore and Emily Mergler. The 5-Star Horse Award is the highest recognition for knowledge and mastery in the area of the horse program.

Kayla Sucy presented the Five Star Dog Award to Brooke Kiefer.

4-H Leaders were also recognized and thanked for their volunteer efforts.

Long-time Orleans County 4-H Leader and volunteer Pauline Lanning lights candles of 4-H Club presidents and officers during the installation ceremony.  The candles are the symbols of the 4-Her’s office.

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