The Orleans Hub has been serving Orleans County as an on-line news site since April 2013. We average about 8,000 unique visitors each day. We’re fortunate local businesses backed us from day 1 as advertisers. Many more have joined us – about 100 advertisers now.
The Hub has veteran news reporters working on the site. Tom Rivers left The Daily News in Batavia on March 1, 2013, after 16 years to help start the Orleans Hub. He serves as the Hub’s editor.
Mike Wertman covers local high school and youth sports and his wife Cheryl takes great action shots at many of the games. Ginny Kropf is a dedicated correspondent covering the Medina area.
Karen Sawicz served as the Hub’s owner and publisher until her retirement on Jan. 1, 2025. The site is now owned by Brad London, who also handles the advertising.
We appreciate input from our readers, and we publish letters to the editor free of charge. Please keep your letters to less than 500 words. We reserve the right to edit letters for content and brevity. Send your letter to
If you’d like to advertise on the Hub and support local journalism, call us at (585) 589-5641 Monday through Thursday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. – 12 noon.