Holley lights blue Christmas tree for first responders
Garden Club named ‘Citizen of the Year’
Photos by Tom Rivers
HOLLEY – The Village of Holley held a tree-lighting celebration this evening in the Public Square and for the second straight year lighted a blue tree in honor of first responders.
The tree was donated by Erie Way Tree Farm in memory of Ed Bower.
Mayor Brian Sorochty served as master of ceremonies for the tree lighting. Sorochty read a long list of names for the Memory Bulb ceremony. The tradition began in 1982 with community members purchasing “memory bulbs” in honor of deceased loved ones. All names are read before the tree is lit.
The mayor urged the community to thank the firefighters, police officers and other first responders for their sacrifice and service.
Holley also recognized its “Citizen of the Year.” That honor was started last year. This time the village accepted nominations from the community. There were 15 suggestions from residents. The Myron Holley Garden Club was picked for the award. Sue Persia, the club president, accepts the award from Mayor Sorochty.
The mayor said the club is in its 20th year and has been very active beautifying the Public Square with plants and flowers. The Garden Club last year also was instrumental in helping to start a community garden at a park on the east side of the village.
Community members have an opportunity to rent raised beds in the garden, and also tap into the knowledge of the Garden Club in growing plants, vegetables and flowers.
The mayor praised the group for bringing a passion to improving Holley.
Some of the Myron Holley Garden Club members include from left: Debbie Smith, Dee Langfitt, Diane Patterson, President Susan Persia, Joyce Potote and Greg Lawrence.