Holley puts school pride on display during homecoming parade
Photos by Tom Rivers
HOLLEY – Homecoming is this week at Holley Central School and one popular tradition continued on Friday when the classes decorated floats for a parade through the village.
The top photo shows the senior class on High Street for the final stretch of the parade which ended in the parking lot for the old bus garage. The seniors won the parade competition.
The classes had to decorate in the theme of a country as part of culture celebration. The seniors picked an American theme.
Will Lavender dressed as Uncle Sam for the parade with the seniors.
Matt Skehan wears a Rochester Americans hockey uniform while joining his classmate on the parade route.
Brian Bartalo, the superintendent at Holley Central School, dressed as Abraham Lincoln for the parade. He joins some of the seniors, including Julia Smith, a suffragette.
Allie Osbourne is a “Holleywood” starlet for the seniors with their American floats.
The juniors decorated with an Egypt theme.
Part of the junior’s display included two students as a camel, led by a shepherd.
These members of the junior class are part of the Egyptian theme.
The sophomores celebrated the country of France.
Freshmen decorated with a German theme.
Junior high students, seventh- and eighth-graders, joined for a theme about the Bahamas.
The parade heads down Geddes Street before reaching the Public Square. The youth football program had a big turnout for the parade.