Roy-Hart netters down Albion

By Mike Wertman, Sports Writer Posted 18 April 2018 at 8:46 pm

Roy-Hart bested Albion 4 1/2-1 this afternoon in a chilly Niagara-Orleans League tennis match.

Patrick Sheelar defeated Matthew Kovaleski 6-0, 6-2 at first singles and Madigan Lang downed Elliot Neidert 6-1, 6-0 at third singles to lead the way for Roy-Hart.

The Rams also swept the three doubles matches as Cameron VanBuren-Evan Birkemeier defeated Nate Smith-Chase Froman 6-2, 6-3; Mason Collins-Noah Kindron downed Hailey Bader-Carson Bader 6-1, 6-4 and Kayle Hagen-Jordyn Bobzein bested Josh Riley-Matt Rowcliff 6-4, 6-4.

Roy-Hart is now 2-0 and Albion 1-2 in N-O competition.

In other other league match, Newfane blanked Barker 5 1/.2-0.

Wins by the singles trio of Danny Dy, James Leising and Zach Lundy set the pace for Newfane.

The Panthers also got wins from the doubles duos of Matt Pusateri-Caitlin Clack, Alexa Littman-Erica Flagler and Ben Pusateri – Noah Everett.

Newfnae is now 1-2 and Barker 0-1.

The Medina vs. Wilson match was postponed until Thursday.