State and Apex should respect local laws about wind turbines, seeking to maintain quiet, rural community

Posted 6 February 2018 at 8:01 am


The residents of the Towns of Somerset and Yates at a Public Hearing on January 29 have again resoundingly spoken out against Industrial Wind Turbines. In a packed room of over 60 individuals, 40 spoke out. By a factor of 3:1, supporters of the proposed tightening of the existing Industrial Wind Turbine Laws outnumbered those opposed.

Opposition arguments again fell flat as the same rhetoric Apex has been peddling for the last four years fell on deaf ears. The Somerset Town Board unanimously passed the revisions exercising our right to home rule. They are to be congratulated.  Article 10 siting board take note.

Mr. Taylor Quarles, Apex spokesman, is quoted as saying in part, “The laws … carry a very clear intent to wholly restrict any wind project from ever being built in the Town of Somerset.” Mr. Quarles is absolutely correct. The residents of our quiet, rural community do not want to be invaded by Industrial Wind Turbines. Numerous surveys, public hearings and countless meetings have shown this through the last four years. Project Lighthouse Wind and the like are not necessary, nor welcome, in our community. The physical and environmental damage will be far too great.

The Public Service Commission is requested to terminate all activity related to Lighthouse Wind. Our lake shore community is not the place for them. Our local laws reflect this and must be recognized.

James C. Hoffman
