Barker football players may have a place to play in Medina as merger talks are underway
At the end of this past season Roy-Hart ended its football merger agreement with Barker leaving Barker’s underclassmen players in search of a place to play in 2018.
Interestingly, Barker may have just found a solution to that problem in Medina where the projected number of varsity players for the upcoming season is low.
Talks between the schools is now underway about such a merger that would make the Mustangs football squad a tri-school team as Medina already has a football merger agreement with Lyndonville.
“Barker is looking for an opportunity for their kids to play football and it makes sense for us as our varsity numbers are projected to be very low this coming season,” said Medina varsity Football Coach and Athletic Director Eric Valley.
“I’m optimistic because right now Medina is our only option,” said Barker Athletic Director Dave Carson. “We’re just looking for an opportunity for our kids to play football.”
Both Athletic Directors noted that all practices and home games would be held at Medina just as has been the case since the start of the Medina/Lyndonville merger.
Valley added adding the 30 percent of Barker’s enrollment numbers that would be added to the already combined Medina/Lyndonville numbers for a merger will not affect what division Medina will play in this fall.
“We will still be a Class B,” said Valley who noted that whether Medina is a two school or a three school football team the Mustangs will still be in the B2 division of what is an expanded Section VI Class B. He added that the number of Class B schools has increased from 18 last year to 21 and will be divided into three seven team divisions of which Medina and Albion will be in the B2 division.
The Medina Board of Education is scheduled to discuss the possible football merger with Barker at Tuesday’s meeting.