Albion mayor says no to re-election
ALBION – Dean London said he won’t be seeking re-election to another four-year term as Albion mayor during the March 20 village election.
London, the retired Albion police chief, said he doesn’t have enough time to commit to the position. He works at Baxter Healthcare in Medina as a supervisor in the service department. The job keeps him busier than he expected.
London, 52, told the Village Board members today he wouldn’t be pursuing another term. Trustees Eileen Banker and Stan Farone, who are Republicans – like London, have been trying to get him to run for another term.
The Republican and Democratic parties will hold caucuses later this month to nominate candidates for the March 20 election.
Besides the mayor’s position, two trustees are up for election. Farone and Banker want to run again for four-year terms.
When London ran four years ago, he had the backing of both the Republicans and Democrats.
One project London has worked on over several years is expected to become a reality this year. Bullard Park will get a major upgrade.
The state two years ago approved a $499,605 grant for Bullard improvements with the village providing $166,370 with in-kind services or funding.
The overall $665,975 project includes a spray park, an amphitheater/performance stage, a walking/hiking trail with signage, infrastructure (water and sewer) for the spray park, a utility building, and parking lot and lighting improvements.