Lyndonville FD welcomes new rescue truck
Photos by Tom Rivers
LYNDONVILLE – The Lyndonville Fire Department received a new rescue truck this evening at about 8 p.m. The truck can be used for EMS calls and also for extrication at motor vehicle accidents.
Pictured with the vehicle, include right to left: Mayor John Belson, Fire Chief Ben Bane, 2nd Assistant Chief Lee Kistner, Lt. Mike Heideman, EMS Captain Scott Buffin and Fire Captain TJ Heideman.
The new rescue truck replaces a truck from 1989. This is also Lyndonville’s first new fire truck in several years. Mayor Belson said the vehicle cost about $170,000 and will be paid over seven years.
Firefighters, including Lee Kistner, left, and TJ Heideman look over the new truck, which was manufactured by Rosenbauer and includes a Ford F 550.
(The Holley and Fancher-Hulberton-Murray fire departments also welcomed new Rosenbauer rescue trucks in the past year, said Jim Tabor of Carlton, who is the Senior Sales Representative at Empire Emergency Apparatus, New York State’s Rosenbauer Fire Apparatus Dealer.)
The Lyndonville truck committee was headed by David Hydock. Other members included Scott Buffin, Jason Gerety, Mike Tabor and Mike Heideman. They spent about a year working on the project.
Ben Bane, the fire chief, said the truck will be easier to get around on EMS and extrication calls than a larger fire truck.