Storm damaged greenhouse, blew roof off trailer, took down many trees
Photos by Tom Rivers
The fierce winds that ripped through the area for several hours today blew the roof off of a trailer on Eagle Harbor Road in the Town of Gaines. The roof ended up in the front yard.
The winds also blew off the plastic on four of the buildings at Navarra’s Greenhouses in Gaines. Navarra’s was able to move its plants to a greenhouse that received new plastic about 10 days ago. That plastic held up as wind roared through the area.
Jim Navarra said he was thankful there wasn’t lots of snow on the ground or the situation would have been worse, with more damage to buildings and increased danger to motorists.
This tree was knocked over at Bayberry Lane at Oak Orchard Estates in Albion.
St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Albion, which lost a tree during the high winds last week, lost two more today.
This tree broke in half from the hard wind.
A wire was on fire at Lydun Drive in Albion.
One of the trees in front of the Albion Middle School snapped from the wind.
Reader submitted photos will be posted later.