Republicans open Resource Center at Medina Theater this election season

Photos by Ginny Kropf: Volunteers running a Republican headquarters in the Medina Theater pose with some of the merchandise available there. Seated, from left, are Kris Nudd, Jan Nudd and Ellie Kage. Standing are Nancy Clary, Larry Calabro, Bob Sanderson, John Kage and Bill Blount.

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 14 September 2024 at 7:57 am

MEDINA – Orleans County Republicans supporting Donald Trump have opened a Republican headquarters in the Medina Theater on Main Street.

The idea was that of Bob Sanderson of Medina, who said it is a revival of historic events which used to take place at election times, when political parties rented a store to promote their political party and used it as a gathering place for socializing.

Bob Sanderson and Bill Blount are outside the Republican Resource Center at the Medina Theater.

Sanderson is assisted by 15 volunteers, including Kris Nudd and her mother-in-law, Jan Nudd, John and Ellie Kage, Nancy Clary, Larry Calabro and Bill Blount.

“This is the first time we’ve done anything like this,” Sanderson said. “We’ve already registered three first-time voters. We all have a vote, but we can do so much more than that,” he said, explaining why he got the idea to open a Republican Resource Center. “We should show pride in our election system.”

In the short time they’ve been open, Sanderson said they already sold 60 yard signs for Trump.

In addition to signs, they have hats, buttons, decals, pens, flags, apparel and, of course, lots of information on their candidate and why they believe he is the best choice for president.

Clary said she is behind Trump because the opponents are spreading misleading information.

John Kage said he supports Trump because he knows what the former president brings to table, based on his record.

Kris Nudd said under the current administration has put the homeland and world at risk.

“We need someone strong, like Trump,” she said. “We lived in Germany for three years and we were scared to come back here. It’s terrifying to think about four more years of this administration.”

Her husband Jim served in the military and worked for the government for 40 years before retiring as a command chief sergeant in the Air Force and returning to Medina in January.

Clary said it’s obvious what the best choice is to run our country.

“Our first leaders were not politicians – they were businessmen,” she said. “That is who was meant to run our country.”

Sanderson said they are planning a pizza party from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday for all volunteers. People can stop and meet Congresswoman Claudia Tenney and district attorney candidate Susan Howard.

A party is planned at the Republican Resource Center on election night.