75-year member of Masons, a retired chiropractor from Medina, honored by service organization

Photos by Ginny Kropf: (Left) Towpath Masonic Lodge master Matthew Fleminger ties the apron on John Long, signifying his 75 years as a member of the Craft. Long and two 10-year members were honored at a special awards ceremony Wednesday night in Middleport. (Right) Matthew Flammger holds the apron being presented to John Long Wednesday night for 75 years of membership. Next is Jim Horncastle, District Deputy Grand Master of the Niagara-Orleans District; Long, a retired chiropractor from Medina; and Peter Stein, Past Deputy Grand Master.

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 7 September 2024 at 8:03 am

MIDDLEPORT – Members of the Towpath Masonic Lodge #1193 had the rare honor of recognizing a 75-year member in a special awards ceremony Wednesday night.

John Long of Tonawanda, a retired chiropractor who practiced in Medina in the 1940s, became interested in Masonry when he came to Medina to open an office and met Alvin Eskelson. Eskelson owned a dairy in Medina and was dedicated to Masonry, having been a past master of the Medina Lodge #336.

Scott Mason, secretary of Towpath Masonic Lodge, presents a rose to Marina Long, wife of 75-year member John Long, during an awards ceremony Wednesday evening.

Eskelson owned the building which housed Curry’s Dress Shop and Long’s office was on the second floor.

The Towpath Lodge was formed from the merger of Middleport’s Cataract Lodge #295, Medina Lodge and Lyndonville’s Yates Lodge 675. The only other 75-year member was the late Don Ross of Albion, who was a member of the Medina Lodge. The late Herb Koenig was a long-standing member of the Middleport lodge, having been a member for 65 years.

Other members of long standing are Frank Berger of Medina, who will be a 64-year member this year; and Robert Donovan of Medina, a 53-year-member who is a five-time past master.

The awards ceremony including reading a letter from Richard P. Schultz Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, in which he stated Long’s 75 years as a Masonic member were a milestone in the fraternity,

While Flammger presented Long with the ceremonial apron, Long’s wife Marina pinned the 75-year pin on his lapel.

“This is one of the most momentous times in my entire life,” Long said. “I was raised in the Lodge in Medina on June 8, 1948. I remember Alvin Eskelson like it was yesterday. Masonry has been the foundation of my life. I encourage all of you to never give up and never surrender what we stand for.”

Ten-year awards were presented to Raymond Feller of Lyndonville and Thomas Weeks of Medina.

Masons also promote respect for the women in their lives and Wednesday’s program included a tribute to wives and mothers by Ben Logsdon, after which Scott Mason presented the women in the room with a rose.

Flammger concluded the evening by saying that presenting awards like this is the highlight of being master of this lodge.

“I thank you for the privilege of serving as master of Towpath Lodge,” he said.

John Long’s wife Marina affixes a 75-year pin on his lapel during an awards ceremony Wednesday night at Towpath Lodge, which is comprised of members from Lyndonville, Medina and Middleport. Looking on are Towpath master Matthew Flammger, District Deputy Grand Master of the Niagara-Orleans District Jim Horncastle, and Peter Stein, Past Deputy Grand Master.

Special guests for the evening included Jim Horncastle, District Deputy Grand Master of the Niagara-Orleans District, and Peter Stein, Past Deputy Grand Master.

Stein said interest in Masonry is on the rise, with 1,800 men inquiring about membership last year.

Horncastle extended congratulations to everyone who received an award during the evening.

“A 75-year membership doesn’t come along every day, and it is a pleasure to be here,” he said.

The evening included a meal prepared by Barb Anderson, wife of lodge treasurer Jim Anderson.

John Long, now a resident of Tonawanda, and his wife Marina chat with Frank Berger of Medina during the awards ceremony Wednesday night in which Long was honored for 75 years as a member of the Masonic Lodge.

Raymond Feller of Lyndonville was presented with a plaque for 10 years of Masonic membership by Matthew Flammger, master of Towpath Masonic Lodge. With them are Jim Horncastle, left, District Deputy Grand Master of the Niagara-Orleans District and Past Deputy Grand Master, Peter Stein, right.

Shown here are Jim Horncastle, District Deputy Grand Master of the Niagara-Orleans District; Thomas Weeks, holding his 10-year membership plaque; Matthew Flammger, master of Towpath Lodge; and Peter Stein, Past Deputy Grand Master.