America needs leaders who don’t play on fears and bad facts

Posted 2 September 2024 at 7:52 pm


MAGA is needlessly frightening people telling them their houses and unrealized gains in danger and going to be taxed away. Poppy cock.

Like the British and Germans if you make over sic. a hundred million a year you might have to pay an extra tax. But (big BUT) they will avoid the tax by investing in domestic jobs through loans, deductions, and credits to offset it. That is how an economy grows.

It makes sure some money keeps getting invested in the very people who made them rich in the first place.

Also on the issue of fright, campaigning in a prohibited area of Arlington Cemetery is less an issue in some ways than the use of force to push an employee out of the way. It reminds me of all the 2015 rallies with fist fights. Back then, until the liability lawyers got involved, Trump promised to pay the legal bills of supporters who beat up reporters and opponents. That’s mob rule.

Threats, violence, false claims, and things like stacking partisan Election Boards are contrary to a honest government entrusted with our freedom.

Debunking stuff like this is exactly why other countries look up to us. We have, and always will, fight off enemies of freedom within and without to ensure that our freedom remains joyous.

In FDR’s time the motto was “We do our part.” We lift each other up. That attitude made us the greatest nation on Earth!

Being careful to not needlessly scare people with bad facts or superficial analysis and fastidiously avoid placing anyone in fear by associating with, or encouraging, thugs is essential to ensuring freedom survives. That is part of a leaders part of doing their part.


Conrad F. Cropsey


Update from Conrad Cropsey on Sept. 3 at 3:22 p.m.:


When I wrote about the tax on the top 10,000 peoples unrealized gains. I should have said that it’s proposed in Britain and Germany and enacted in Spain and Norway.

Further, I should have been more clear that there is a practice among these 10,000 people of living off of loans on their immense wealth in order to reduce their taxes. Like anything with tax, ways to avoid tax are immensely complex and that loophole would have to be addressed.