Harris has served the country well as VP

Posted 27 August 2024 at 10:41 am


I agree with Ms. Mager, VP Kamala Harris’s record needs mentioning. Biden decided early in his administration he would concentrate on foreign affairs and the economy, among others.  He assigned Harris: abortion, the US-Mexico border problem and voting rights.

On the abortion issue, Harris has visited 18 states, made countless speeches, and worked one-on-one with state legislators to convince them of the importance of a woman’s choice.

Regarding voting rights, she has worked to require federal approval of any changes to voting rights in localities and states. This is because some local areas are trying to restrict Black and Hispanic Americans from voting in local and state elections.

In her most impressive achievement to date, in May 2021 she created the Central America Forward Program (CAFP). Most observers have long known that if provided good-paying jobs, illegal immigrants in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador would stay home.  The CAFP has $4.2 billion to create jobs in these countries. CAFP is an ongoing program: see US State Department, Progress on CAFP.

Jack Capurso

Albion High School 1960

Ashburn, Va