Letter writers should show respect for differing views and not belittle others

Posted 26 August 2024 at 4:40 pm


On August 1st, I read an interesting Letter to the Editor by Mary Mager regarding her thoughts on Kamala Harris. The letter was extremely well crafted, so I was not surprised to learn that Mager is a former English teacher.

She addressed Harris’ unremarkable career as part of the political machine with which she has been involved most of her adult life. As Mager listed the Harris failures, she methodically backed up each point with specific examples. In writing about Harris, Mager was under no obligation to discuss Trump. Her letter was concerned only with her thoughts about Harris. Letters submitted to the editor are not required to compare candidates, as Capurso later suggests.

On August 16th, Capurso made a statement which I, and others, found hard to believe. Just as Mager gave examples to back up her claims, in this instance the same standard should apply to him. In order to back up his claim regarding Republican women, he needs to list their names.

I have friends from both major parties, as well as independents, and I have yet to meet anyone so unhinged that they cannot speak President Trump’s name. Until Capurso reveals names, his statement is incomplete, and must be dismissed as splash and hyperbole. Listing Mager as one of those woman is slight of hand and has no merit.  As it stands, when he attempted to hijack her letter and put words in her mouth, he made himself look like a bully, and his presumption that he was in a position to grade her letter certainly fortifies my opinion.

I am two things, each as important to me as the other. I am a feminist and an independent voter. Capurso’s implication that republican women are unhinged, along with his snide attempt to twist Mager’s words to include her in that group, left me with the clear impression that he is a throwback to the male chauvinist days.

That, along with his constant ranting and raving about President Trump on this venue, may well steer me to cast my vote for Trump on November 5th. That is the unintended consequence of belittling the views of others. The women I know and share friendships with belong to all different political parties, and not one of them is so fragile as his alleged cadre of Republican lady friends.

Mary Hare
