Everyone entitled to own views, and shouldn’t face attacks in a tense election season

Posted 24 August 2024 at 5:19 pm


I am beginning to see a current trend occurring in this column that I find disturbing. The Hub has a forum for the opinions of our area residents.

At the moment, our presidential elections are only a few weeks away. I am seeing a lot of mud-slinging from the progressive left. OK, you’ve written and have had your comments published.

It seems to me that if anyone dare to write and have published a different opinion, these contributors are verbally attacked …as if they’re not allowed to have their own political opinion.

I find this being unfair and narrow-minded. No one will ever see everything the same way and that’s what makes everyone unique and with value. Please be kind to one another in this column.

Ms. Major was unfairly attacked in the letter she contributed to this column. Be fair to one another. Please, all have the right to their opinion.


Sandra Shingleton
