Orleans could get healthier with more walking and cycling

Posted 16 May 2024 at 4:02 pm


In several rankings, Orleans County has an adult obesity level of 50.9%. The highest in the state and one of the highest in the country.  A short review of photos in the Hub reveals the extent of the problem.

There is a simple solution the Austrians and Dutch have used to become among the healthiest and physically fit people in the world.  Walk and ride bikes, and leave the cars home.

In Amsterdam, former car ramp garages are now full of bicycles. Dutch bike riders, who are invariably slim, told us a bike ride to and from work is an important part of their fitness program. Many Dutch have two bicycles: one for commuting to work and the second for recreation.

In Vienna, Austria people routinely take their two-wheeled shopping carts to the grocery store and leave the cars at home.

I suggest Mr. Paul Pettit, the local public health director, and his Health Department set an example and start a walk/bike ride to work program. Perhaps a “Walk Around Town” program could be started by County/Village leaders.

With county/village leaders hitting the streets, perhaps the walk/bike idea will catch on and Orleans County can remove itself from that list.

I look forward to comments from Mr. Pettit’s and county/villages leaders.

Jack Capurso

Ashburn, Va.

Mr. Capurso is a 1960 Albion graduate.