Lyndonville churches, for second year, mark Good Friday with Cross Walk
Photos by Tom Rivers
LYNDONVILLE – Ian Kingdollar, 14, carries a cross down the sidewalk on Main Street today with about 40 other people during a Cross Walk. Ian attends the Lyndonville United Methodist Church.
The Lyndonville Yates Ministerial Association led the Cross Walk for the second year. It included four stops where pastors shared a reflection about Christ’s crucifixion. Afterwards they gathered to sing hymns.
Craig Rhodenizer, pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church, shares a messages about Easter during a stop in front of the Yates Community Library.
Ian Kingdollar and the group of Christians head down Main Street in Lyndonville today. The walk started at noon.
Lyle Drake, pastor of the Yates Baptist Church, stands next to Ian Kingdollar and shares a reflection about the solemn Easter observance.