Tenney’s ‘Unborn Child Support Act’ would restrict freedoms of women

Posted 22 January 2024 at 8:27 pm


Congresswoman Claudia Tenney has introduced legislation called “Unborn Child Support Act,” (H.R. 7052), which she claims, in her press release would take a “solid next step in ensuring 5th and 14th Amendment constitutional protections for the next generation of citizens, preborn boys and girls.”

Granting 5th and 14th Amendment rights to the unborn would also mean providing federal benefits to unborn citizens of immigrants even though their parents are not entitled to benefits. Furthermore, it would prevent the deportation of pregnant immigrant women since the unborn is a U.S. citizen.

Seriously, this legislation would restrict the freedoms of women. Women could be ordered to follow a certain diet or face child abuse charges. If a woman smokes or drinks alcohol that could be considered child abuse.

Pregnancy would prevent treatments for other life threatening conditions such as melanoma, or breast cancer since treatment would be toxic for the unborn. Women who seek medical help with pregnancy would have to know that their most personal medical information will have to be shared with law enforcement.

In Ohio a woman, whose water broke at 21 weeks and was told that her fetus was not viable, was charged with abuse of a corpse. If Ms. Tenney’s legislation passes every miscarriage will be investigated as murder. Ms. Tenney’s legislation will be the end of privacy for women. If you value your privacy, I urge you to vote for the Democratic candidate.

William Fine
