Former COVA official says local ambulance provider tried for many years to get support from towns only to be denied

Posted 24 December 2023 at 11:08 am


I have seen a letter from Steven Kast who stated COVA had been looking for help for 2 years. I also saw a letter from multiple citizens concerned over not having enough ambulance service for 7 towns.

As a former COVA member who held many positions within the organization I would like to clarify a couple of things. First COVA had been asking the towns within the center battalion for financial assistance for many years. (Some meetings in which I was present) only to be turned down.

I fail to understand how they can contract for an outside agency for $300,000 instead of helping COVA who had been here for all the residents of the center battalion (and beyond when needed) for all these years.

Secondly, regardless of who the towns are contracted with the residents are not obligated to use the contracted services and can request COVA to come to their aid (which is what I would do for myself or a family member).

I am not willing to take the chance of an ambulance being tied up or an extended response time when we have a more than capable ambulance and personnel right here down the road in town.

Craig Wilston – former COVA member
