Just over 1,000 wreaths set on vets’ graves at Medina cemeteries
Provided photo: Medina businessman Tom Snyder is one of several volunteers who participated in the Wreaths Across America ceremony Saturday at Boxwood Cemetery.
MEDINA – The 10th annual Wreaths Across America ceremony in Medina is one for the record books.
Organizer Kathy Blackburn reported 1,008 wreaths were placed this year by a local Boy Scout troop under the leadership of John Dieter and volunteers from the American Legion and VFW posts.
“We also had a new volunteer group this year – Boy Scout 86 from Brockport, who heard about our project and wanted to help,” Blackburn said. “The Carpenter Union workers were also out in full force and we thank them all, because we couldn’t do it without them.”
There were enough wreaths purchased to place 200 in St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart cemeteries. Blackburn encourages members of St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart to purchase wreaths for next year, so they can cover all the veterans’ graves in those cemeteries.
Again this year, the national Wreaths Across America organization will donate one wreath for every wreath purchased from now until Jan. 16. Checks should be made out to the village clerk for $17 and marked for Wreaths Across America, 119 Park Ave., Medina.
Blackburn also thanked local businessman Tom Snyder for his continued support of the Wreaths Across America project. Snyder not only makes an annual donation, but volunteers his time to lay a wreath during the ceremony.