Younger vets urged to join a veteran’s organization to help promote patriotism

Posted 7 November 2023 at 2:47 pm


Veterans Day…November 11 at 11 a.m., 1918, the war that was to end all wars came to an end. The Germans surrendered…the battle field that had been smoke ridden by gun fire and the smell of death, cries of wounded fell to an eerie silence.

Cries filled the air, “It is over!” Yes, it was over. It did not end all wars. We still have wars…take a good look at the world today.

Not long after the end of World War I, Congress made November 11 to be Veterans Day, the day that we honor veterans, living and deceased. We pay them respect, honor them. Thank them for our freedoms and service to this country. Thank a vet!

It is sad that we are not able to have parades to honor the living and deceased veterans. Veterans’ organizations have been declining in membership. They are getting older, public interest is declining. It is time the younger veterans get off their butts (military term) and

rise up and join a veterans’ organization. You owe it to them as they are the ones that have lobbied for many of veterans’ benefits.

The citizens of this country need to wake up and show patriotism to the veterans so they will not feel serving their beloved country was in vain.

Thank a vet!

Carl Boyle

American Legion Post 1603 in Lyndonville

U.S. Army, 3rd Armored Div.