Some candidates claim they are target of lies when they deal in deception

Posted 6 November 2023 at 5:23 pm


I am consistently amazed how people running for public office pull the “Lies” card, usually while they themselves are being untruthful. I have carefully read and re-read the letter from George McKenna to the people of the Town of Barre asking them to support his daughter, Kerri Richardson, in her bid for re-election to the Barre Town Board.

I find nothing in this letter which is untrue from my own experience. Then, a few days later, I receive a post card from the Pogue, Swan, and Mathes with the caption “FACTS NOT LIES.”  Upon closer examination all six of the items listed on the post card were in fact not true or framed in a way as to be vague and disingenuous.

For example, there is no question some of the people running have a financial interest to see this project move forward. There will always be items to vote on at the town board level regarding the wind project.

Electing a board member who is supposed to recuse themselves, and has not in the past, when voting on items which would result in their financial gain is senseless. And then, there is the amount of money the Town of Barre will make while changing the town completely forever.

That amount has changed so many times I can’t even keep track of it anymore. Lowering the amount of turbines to be built and then paying the town and county the same amount of money as originally stated is not how business works.

Please read Dr. McKenna’s letter again and then read the follow-up post card from the Pro-Wind folks and make an educated vote on Nov. 7.

All my best,

Jim Salmon
