Republican Committee turns away some poll watchers, prematurely discloses candidate info

Posted 5 November 2023 at 4:47 pm


Recent actions, or rather inactions, by both the Orleans County and Shelby Republican committees are painting a concerning picture ahead of upcoming elections. Citizens eager to volunteer as poll watchers on Election Day are being ignored.

Overt and repeated avoidance of civic participation raises a critical question: why are these committees hesitant to undergo public scrutiny?

This issue is not a standalone occurrence but a recurring pattern that threatens the transparency and integrity of the electoral process. In 2021 and again in 2023, Republican candidates intending to run for office in Shelby were startled to receive calls from GOP members immediately after visiting the Orleans County Board of Elections. Information had leaked from within the BOE before the candidates had even returned home, indicating a serious breach of confidentiality and possible internal coordination.

These are not simply procedural missteps; they’re signs of a deeper problem that threatens the democratic process. The evasion of volunteer poll watchers and premature disclosure of candidate information raise red flags. Are there ulterior motives at play? Is there a concerted effort to control or manipulate the electoral process to favor a specific outcome?

Voters have a right to a transparent and accountable election process. It is the responsibility of elected officials and party committees to restore faith in the system they are entrusted to uphold and take corrective measures to protect the integrity of elections.

Andina Barone

Mindful Media Group

New York City