Pogue says he is committed to building a better Barre, and strengthening town’s financial position

Posted 4 November 2023 at 9:06 am


Fiction is the art of crafting narratives, weaving tales of individuals and events in imaginative, fabricated, or even storybook-like fashion. I have no intention of descending to the level of the McKenna family. However, when stories are spun, it becomes imperative for someone to champion the truth.

Our opponents may attempt to persuade you that we lack the best interests of Barre’s residents at heart. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Both Mr. Mathes and Ms. Swan have deep roots in our county and town. Their families have been dedicated contributors to school projects and 4-H initiatives for years, always ready to extend a helping hand to their neighbors.

Growing up in a close-knit community, I cherished the idea of rekindling that sense of “home.” With over four decades of experience in the Rochester City School District, predominantly in an administrative role, where I collaborated with community groups, agencies, youth, and adults, my aspiration was to continue serving my community. This motivation guided me to pursue the position of your Supervisor, with the aim of making a positive impact.

Now, let’s shift our focus to my opponent. While he has served our government and country in various capacities over the years, we should appreciate his dedication. However, my commitment to understanding the town’s affairs was evident as I attended nearly every town board meeting for over two years before announcing my candidacy for Supervisor.

In contrast, my opponent attended only two meetings per year, except for this year, where he increased his attendance to 4-5 meetings. He claims to find ways to cut spending, but we have been responsible stewards of our finances, especially in the wake of the economic challenges posed by Covid.

Regarding increasing revenue, we have diligently invested your tax dollars in New York State-approved depositories for many years. He makes a misleading statement, suggesting that I intended to use $50,000 of your tax dollars for town park improvements.

This is incorrect; my proposal was to use the funds received from Heritage Wind upon signing the agreement with them. Regrettably, the board members rejected this idea, leaving us with the need to use your tax dollars to bring electricity into the park. I proposed an alternative solution – utilizing the American Relief Funds (ARPA) to spare the use of tax dollars.

In a recent letter to the editor, Mr. Lauricella claimed that my opponent welcomes new businesses to our town. I, too, have passionately supported this cause for years, attending numerous County Industrial Development meetings to seek assistance. I’ve worked closely with the town and county Planning Boards to expand our business district in Barre.

Mr. Lauricella also stressed the importance of a Supervisor having no personal agenda. However, Mr. Burnside has made it unequivocal that he will stop wind turbines from coming to Barre at any cost. Who will bear the financial burden of this legal battle? Your tax dollars! To me, this sounds like a personal agenda.

Mr. Burnside asserts that he will treat residents with respect and politeness. However, his campaign signs have been placed without regard for landowners’ permissions during the primary and even now. In one instance, a landowner requested the removal of his sign from their property but was denied and even threatened with a lawsuit if they dared to touch it. Does this align with your definition of respect and politeness?

Mr. Burnside has distributed handouts claiming he is honest and transparent, listing five bullet points below that assert he is endorsed by the Republican & Conservative Parties. While he is partially correct since he lost the Republican Primary but is still backed by the Conservative Party, it is important to clarify that Mr. Burnside is not endorsed by either the County or the Town of Barre Republican Parties.

It is evident that he lacks the understanding and willingness to learn what it takes to be a Town Supervisor. It appears he has only one true agenda – to halt the installation of wind turbines in Barre.

For a promising future, choose Sean Pogue for Town Supervisor of Barre.

Sean Pogue
