New town clerk would improve work atmosphere at Shelby Town Hall

Posted 3 November 2023 at 10:30 pm


This is in response to the letter to the editor that was published on October 26th by the Shelby Town Clerk, Darlene Rich.

One thing that I want to make perfectly clear, is that I in no way intentionally or knowingly “failed to report” water usage to the Village of Medina.

The other statement she made in regards to nepotism was in reference to myself having a family member on the planning board. Yes, that’s my husband. We have both been with the town for 25-plus years and over those years there has never been any nepotistic related issues.

In my deputy clerk position, if need be, any public hearings that the planning board scheduled, I typed, mailed and publicized for them and I charged my time to that department. The Town Clerk and Councilman Pratt are related as brother- and sister-in-law. By Councilman Pratt making resolutions and voting in favor of the Town Clerk’s raises, that is nepotism.

Years ago the Town of Shelby was the town to work for. Other towns couldn’t believe how well we all worked together. Everyone got along and everyone pretty much knew each other’s jobs (at least to the point that we could get an answer for a resident) and if you can have fun at work.

We got our work done but enjoyed our time being there. There was nowhere near the stress in the clerk’s office like what myself and other clerks went through. That is one of the reasons there has been so much turn over in the deputy clerk positions.

Vote for change with Pask as Town Clerk. It’s time to get the Town of Shelby back to what it used to be.

Thank you.

Lori Myhill

Retired Deputy Clerk/Water Clerk
