Conservative Party chairman urges support for ‘stellar lineup’ of candidates

Posted 31 October 2023 at 1:24 pm


The Orleans County Conservative Party has a stellar lineup to offer you this year of Conservatives and Republican candidates that have earned our prized endorsement.

I will start with the candidates that are running with challengers first. In the Town of Barre, Kerri A. Richardson, a registered Conservative, is running town councilman. She embodies everything the Conservative Party strives for. She has fought the Windmill Giants while making sure the Highway Equipment accounts were flush and the rest of the town government ran efficiently while keeping taxes low and those in check who would spend foolishly. She is never one to waste taxpayer money and always putting the people ahead of self interests. Her faith and honesty has made us very proud to have her in on your side.

For Barre Town Supervisor: Scott A. Burnside. Scott came to us with the willingness to “Step Up” for his town. His views strongly align with the Conservative Party’s platform. He welcomes new business to come and set up in Barre to see the town grow, for the people to prosper. Understanding that with power comes great responsibility, to harness it for the people and not one’s own agenda and desires.

The sacred trust of the people should never be breached. Our committee believes Scott to be honest and truthful. His dedication to the United States of America in the Marine Corps, the US Army, the Department of Homeland Security, and a Deportation Officer make him not only the qualified candidate for Town Supervisor but “thee” candidate for Town Supervisor. We feel this Republican deserves to be called Conservative and are very proud to have given him this prized endorsement. Please vote for Kerri and Scott for a better Barre.

For Town of Murray Town Supervisor: Joseph Sidonio. Joe in his time as Supervisor has done a great job for the people of Murray. Truth be told as a Republican that actually put forth conservative policies he faced staggering opposition and vicious hostilities from the majority of the board.

Power and control seems to be the only thing of interest to them and there has been no bar on how low they will stoop. A few of these people I am embarrassed to say were given the Conservative Party’s endorsement some years back. Sometimes the people you think you know are really not what they appear to be.

In spite all this he has put Murray first. Fixed the water-loss problem, produced budgets that cut taxes, cleaned up unnecessary perks that take advantage of the taxpayers. Respected and helped to restore the clock in Fancher that was dedicated to the fallen WWII veterans. Too many accomplishments to write in such a short time. The Conservative committee is proud to have him as a candidate and proud the stand by him for another term for Town Supervisor. Joe you have earned this prized Conservative endorsement for never wavering on conservative principles or selling out on the values of the Republican Party.

For Town of Murray councilman seat: Eric J. Collyer. Here’s why you should vote for Mr. Collyer: The man thinks for himself. He has strong conservative views and principles and is not afraid to tell it like it is. He understands that it’s not the government’s money it’s yours and that it is reluctantly taken.

He is not afraid to tell you what’s on his mind and does not believe in squandering the taxpayers’ money. He understands how government works and will make it work for you, not the party or the establishment. He will bring balance, ethics, and most of all common sense to the town board of Murray. Our committee was very impressed with him. The type of candidate we hope for. Murray will be better off for it.

For Shelby Highway Superintendent: Dale S. Root. Dale came before the committee, I believed him to be a no-nonsense straight shooter. No dancing around questions. No stammering. Just plain honesty. I met Dale over 20 years ago in a business transaction. Same guy now as he was then. A hard worker, puts in hours and time that would kill most men today.

I believe Dale to be the type of man that his word and a handshake is all you would ever need on anything. He has done a good job for the people of Shelby. He has done the best job for the dollar and has saved the taxpayers a lot of money. I believe the taxpayers in Shelby are smart cost-conscious people and will return Dale to work for them another four years.

For Town of Yates councilman seat: Steven A. Colon. Steve came to the committee and is stepping up because someone has to stop the never-ending yearly tax increases that our local government keeps imposing. Along with the tax increases there is a habitual thirst to spend money on things that are not essential to make the government run.

His strong disciplined Republican and Conservative principles make him the perfect candidate to serve in public office. His views on limited government, the Second Amendment and Constitutional law are impressive. We seek candidates like this that are independent thinkers with our conservative values. You will never go wrong electing a principled Conservative. Steve is a strong Republican and we feel deserves the prized Conservative Party endorsement.

For Town of Yates Councilman Paul Lauricella Jr. Now this guy I know. He is the Conservative Party Chairman. He has strong, unwavering conservative principals and views. He is not afraid to take the fight to anybody on the political stage. He does not like to see the public’s money spent foolishly.

He believes taxpayer money to be sacred as it was taken from the blood and sweat of the people without consent. He believes that government is an evil necessity and should be bound and shackled to the most limited as humanly possible. He will spend the money with shame and great humility as he knows it is not his. He wants nothing for himself but wants the people to be free and to pursue happiness.

He believes that your word is your bond and great dishonor should come by not keeping it. He will not turn his back on dishonorable practices. His many years attending workshops and town meetings has not brought him around to the governments way of thinking but has sickened him so that he has to step up whether he wins or loses to try to make change for the good of the people who are his equal.

He is only accountable to God almighty and the people. At the end of the day when he looks in the mirror he wants to see his own reflection looking back not that of a monster, so hideous, frightening and inhuman, as so many in politics become. Please elect a registered Conservative, Paul Lauricella Jr., to Yates Town councilman. Elect both Steve and myself for true change.

The following Republican candidates are proudly endorsed by the Orleans County Conservative Party but have no opposition and will win re-election. While I have many good things to say about all of them I will keep this brief.

For Town Of Albion Highway Superintendent: Michael Neidert

For Town of Clarendon Highway Superintendent: Tracy B. Chalker

For Town of Shelby Town Supervisor: Scott R. Wengewicz

For Town Of Shelby Town Justice: Edward J. Grabowski

For Orleans County Sheriff: Christopher M. Bourke

This is the lineup for the November 7th local elections. Early voting has started. It is very important to get out there and vote even though it is not a presidential year election for the local elections matter just as much if not more as all politics are local and affect you greatly. Vote for your candidates Republican or Conservative on the Conservative Party Line. Send a message where you stand.

There are also two ballot propositions. The State and Orleans County Conservative Party urge you to vote NO on both of these propositions. Both have to do with lifting the debt cap from small city schools (under 125,000) from 5 to 10%  and exclude sewer construction costs from municipalities debt limits. Not taxpayer friendly and should be paid out of savings.

On behalf of the Orleans County Conservative Party Committee,

Paul Lauricella Jr.

Orleans County Conservative Party Chairman