Shelby town supervisor was slow to act on STAMP pipeline

Posted 26 October 2023 at 7:45 am


In August, a town legal consultant provided misleading information to a Shelby resident who inquired about the STAMP wastewater pipeline.

Prior to this incident, the town supervisor had pledged in person to assist residents facing eminent domain due to the pipeline construction but ultimately chose not to do so.

In contrast, the town clerk took the initiative to guide affected residents toward local agencies that could help.

Both the supervisor and deputy supervisor were well-aware of the project’s impacts and were encouraged by local agencies to assist residents for more than six months. They chose not to act. Other board members were left in the dark.

These same officials restricted local department’s access to public documents that should have been made publicly available under the Freedom of Information Act.

Following the Investigative Post’s publication of details regarding the STAMP Sewer Works pipeline, the town—co-owner of the project alongside the Town of Alabama and GCEDC—has opted to use taxpayer funds to sue itself to save face. I voted no to this spending.

At this juncture, we must ask ourselves: What is the Town of Shelby doing and why? What are officials hiding?

Ed Zelazny

Shelby Town Board