Yates candidate says he would put taxpayers first

Posted 25 October 2023 at 9:51 pm


I would like the opportunity to put to rest any fears of myself or Paul Lauricella, God willing, to win a Town of Yates Council seat.

I am a registered Republican believing in the NY Republican mission statement: “The New York Republican Party is the party of taxpayers and common sense. We are fighting to stop the tide of outmigration and end New York’s status as the highest taxed, least business friendly state in the nation. We believe in a limited government that is effective and efficient.

“We believe in the rule of law and stand proudly for our flag and our brave men and women in uniform. We believe in creating more school choice and parent’s rights. We believe that through smart Republican policies of lower taxes and less onerous regulations, we can unleash New York’s economy and create prosperity for generations of New Yorkers.”

I am proud of the National Republican Party who initially united in 1854 by the promise to abolish slavery. The Republican Party has always stood for freedom, prosperity and opportunity. It was the Republican Party that had the first black US Congressman.

Today, those principles come under attack from the far-left. I promote election integrity. My principles as a Republican recognize the God-given liberties while promoting opportunity for every American.

As a Republican I believe in liberty, economic prosperity, preserving the American values and traditions, and restoring the American dream for every citizen of this great nation. I would look for policies that seek to achieve those goals.

I agree with the National Party platform of stimulating economic growth for all Americans, protecting constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms, ensuring the integrity of our elections, and maintaining our national security.

Working to preserve America’s greatness for our children and grandchildren. I state publicly that as a Republican, I was proud to peacefully and patriotically defend America’s values on January 6, 2021.

As the left attempts to destroy what makes America great, the Republican Party, myself included, are standing in the breach to defend our nation and way of life. I ask the Town of Yates voters to get out and vote on November 7th, 2023 for myself as a Republican and a concerned taxpayer and my friend and running mate, Paul Lauricella, for two of the Town of Yates Councilman’s seats.

We both will put the taxpayer first. On the ballot we are on the Conservative line and the “Taxpayer First” line. I also ask that the Town of Yates voters not to vote for those who have no one running against them because they can not lose. Beware of RINOs aka Republican In Name Only. Actions define a man or a woman.

Steven A. Colon
