Area close to peak colors for fall foliage

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 21 October 2023 at 7:52 am

Photo by Tom Rivers

WATERPORT – These leaves are freshly fallen from trees along the Oak Orchard River in Waterport. The leaves were floating in the water on Friday afternoon.

The area has reached near-peak colors for fall foliage, according to the I Love NY Fall Foliage report. Other parts of the state are past peak, including the Adirondacks, Catskills and Chautauqua-Allegheny regions.

“The journey of gorgeous fall colors across New York State continues this weekend, with peak foliage expected to be found in parts of eight of the state’s 11 vacation regions,” states the weekly fall foliage report from the Empire State Development Division of Tourism’s I LOVE NY program.

“In Orleans County, spotters in Albion are predicting near-peak foliage with 60% color change, while Genesee County volunteers from Batavia are anticipating foliage at midpoint of change with 50% transition and muted to average shades of yellow and red,” the report states.

The map of the state shows the leaves have changed colors throughout the state, with some regions past peak.