3 Shelby board members say political ‘B.S.’ being spewed

Posted 16 October 2023 at 10:12 am


We, the below signed Shelby Town Board members categorically deny any knowledge of any type of harassment occurring at the Shelby Town Hall.  Any occurrence of this type of activity will be dealt with immediately.

These accusations from current board members appear to be the normal political rhetoric that is usually thrown at the oscillating device to see what sticks. The usual political, watch my left hand…but don’t look at my right.

The taxpayer needs to see what is being accomplished at the town, and for the town, not listen to the political B.S. being spewed. Get involved, come to meetings, see what really is going on, ask to speak with the town supervisor – he will meet with anyone.


Scott Wengewicz, Shelby Town Supervisor

Steve Seitz, Town Councilman

Jeffrey  Schiffer, Town Councilman