Not much change in leaf color yet locally for foliage season
The leaves are starting to change color in some parts in New York State, but not too much yet locally.
This week’s fall foliage report from I Love NY tourism shows leaves are starting to change in the Chautauqua-Allegheny region the Catskills and Adirondacks. Locally, the leaves are still mostly green.
I Love NY issues a weekly report on the foliage every Wednesday.
“New York State’s gradual transition from the greens of summer to the multi-colored kaleidoscope of fall continues this weekend, with a few locations in the Adirondacks approaching midpoint of leaf transition, and areas from Long Island to Western New York beginning to see their first significant color changes,” according to the report.
In the Greater Niagara region, spotters reporters Batavia is seeing a 15% change with some yellow leaves of average brilliance, I Love NY reports.
Click here to see the latest fall foliage report.