Pastor welcomes dialogue with drag queen performers

Posted 20 September 2023 at 4:42 pm


The pastors and leaders have expressed their views in the letter to the editor. I followed up by agreeing to do an interview with Carla Rogner of Channel 13. I am not accusing her or the station of bias, and I understand the time constraints that they are under for a newscast, but probably 80-plus percent of what I said ended up on the “cutting room floor.”

We have tried to make our position clear and stand by the letter.

I would like to extend an offer:

If ever any of the drag queen performers would like to meet in person and have a dialogue, I would welcome that opportunity. Even if it’s after October 1st, so people can’t say this is being done to exert pressure upon them.

I am sincere about this and am willing to do it in a setting that they would be comfortable with.


Pastor Tim Lindsay

Harvest Christian Fellowship
