County contingent attends First Responders Summit in DC hosted by Gillibrand

Posted 1 August 2023 at 4:31 pm

Press Release, Orleans County Legislature

ALBION – U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand welcomed a contingent last week from Orleans County to Washington, D.C., for her First Responders Summit.

The summit brought together local officials, law enforcement officials, firefighters and EMTs to learn about how leaders from the local, state and federal level can work together to keep our communities safe.

The group from Orleans County included County Legislature Chairwoman Lynne Johnson, Legislator Merle Draper, Legislator John Fitzak, Chief Deputy Rob Reimer, Chief Deputy Jeff Gifaldi, and Justin Niederhofer, the director of Emergency Management.

“Senator Gillibrand’s First Responders Summit was full of important information,” said Lynne Johnson, chairwoman of the Orleans County Legislature. “From the FBI to FEMA to DOJ to ATF, the speakers were educational and inspirational. This summit will increase coordination between local, state and federal stakeholders and I’m excited to get to work.”

Programs included a panel on federal grants & programs, a federal government town hall, a panel on recruitment and retention and remarks from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

“I am so grateful that I could welcome our incredible Orleans County legislators to Washington for my first responders summit,” said Senator Gillibrand. “The summit provided lawmakers, firefighters, law enforcement officers and EMTs the opportunity to connect with top federal officials to learn more about how federal resources can flow into New York State. This important work will help our first responders do their jobs safely and effectively, and will strengthen our communities.”