Retiring doctor thanks patients for their trust over past 30 years

Posted 20 July 2023 at 9:29 pm


After practicing medicine in Albion for over 30 years, I decided to retire on July 7, 2023. My active patients received their 30-day notice as required in New York State. I have been surprised and delighted by the outpouring of concern and well wishes from many of those patients and their families.

Family Practice as taught years ago was birth to death, outpatient and inpatient, acute and chronic problems. We did wellness and preventative medicine too, but that seems to be the larger focus these days.

I want to thank the many women who trusted me with their prenatal care and delivery. We created a special bond that alleviated anxiety and happily welcomed a new life into the world.

Likewise, I am grateful to the parents that allowed me to care for their infants and children, all the way into their post-high school years.

As I mentioned to several in the weeks before the practice closed, it was so nice to see them still coming to my office even when their parents didn’t make them any more.

I appreciated the women who came to me for their well woman exams – pap smears, breast exams, and colon cancer screening.

It is said that women are the catalysts for their male partners to get health care. We certainly saw this in the practice. Men, thank your wives and partners for encouraging you to see the lady doctor.

Families also entrusted to me the care of their elderly relatives once they needed extra help in the home or a skilled nursing facility. I was honored to provide that service.

I can’t thank the community enough for supporting me over the years, and I am forever grateful. I became a dinosaur practicing privately and solo. The business of medicine has changed.

Lastly, to all our students, listen to your parents and teachers, do your job which is to study and learn, help your fellow human in trouble, and may all your dreams come true.

With appreciation,

Eileen K. Kosieracki, D.O.
