Medina’s third- through sixth-graders compete in Track and Field Days

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 9 June 2023 at 7:34 am

Long-time end-of-year tradition returned last year after decade absence

Provided photos by Jason Klein: (Left) Cayla Seever competes in the Medina Track and Field Days. She set a new record for Medina in the long jump. (Middle) Fifth-grader Aurelius Schalck broke Wise Middle School’s record for the one-mile race during Track and Field Days. (Right) Caliyah St. Luis set a new record in the football throw.

MEDINA – Track and Field Days has a long history in Medina, having been started more than 50 years ago by physical education teachers Bill Ossont and Kay VanNostrand. It continued to take place until 2012 when Oak Orchard and Towne schools reorganized. (The Towne Primary School closed about a decade ago.)

In 2022, Melissa Valley, physical education teacher, moved to Wise Middle School and decided to bring the event back. With help from Kristi Young and Mollie Mark, a very successful Track and Field Days was held last year, with 90 to 100 students participating. Also helping was retired teacher, Kathie Valley, who brought in retirees to help out.

(Left) Jude Lacy broke the boys’ record in the 100 and 400 meter dashes. (Right) Talia Rupp gets a high five from Coach Mollie Mark.

This year’s event began on May 31 and concluded on June 6, with a number of records being broken. Sixth graders who broke records were Jude Lacy, 100 and 400, dash; Talia Rupp, girls’ mile; Caliyah St. Luis, football throw; and Cayla Seever, long jump. Fifth-grader Aurelius Schalck broke the one-mile record.

Each student was allowed to choose two events in which to compete and trophies were awarded. First-place winners were chosen for each grade. The sixth-grade winner was Ms. Valley’s class; fifth-grade winner was Mrs. Weber’s class; fourth-grade winner was Mrs. Mark’s class; and third-grade winner was Mrs. Cree’s class.

Named Most Valuable Players were sixth grade – Jude Lacy, Caliyah St. Luis and Cayla Seever; and coach’s award, Payton Allen; fifth grade – Aurelius Schalck and Lily Hungerford; fourth grade – Lucius Boyle and Erin Allis; and third grade – Abigail Sutch and Bryson Heilgenthaler.

Photo by Ginny Kropf: Mollie Mark, a Medina teacher, directs students where to line up for an event during the last day of Track and Field Days at Wise Middle School.