Nursing home staff goes ‘above and beyond’
In John McCain’s view, as a Judeo-Christian nation, we owe the most defenseless among us a certain amount of protection. Such thinking comes, in part, from Testaments, “New” and “Old.”
We certainly owe our most frail elderly quality long-term caresuch as that provided by our Orleans County Nursing Home – when the need is there and all else fails. The sacrifices they have made on our behalf obligate us to a great degree.
Though we may not have any such obligation to the generally younger and healthier staff providing their care, it should be said that they, at least, deserve our consideration and even gratitude. While we tend to focus on those in need, there are many special employees at our County Nursing Home treating residents as family. My friend, Anne Holt, received compassionate care from the first day she arrived at what is now called “The Villages of Orleans.”
My primary consideration has never been for the jobs of able-bodied, resourceful staff persons. But I do know from experience that we have long had a truly “above and beyond” caring staff composed, for the most part, of county residents who take “ownership” over other county residents whose choice would have beenas Anne’s wasto live out their lives at home.
Selling the Orleans County Nursing Home does a disservice to the memories of Anita Brown, Rowena Youngs and to all thoseformer and currentemployees who have given so much of themselves to our neighbors and family members.
Perhaps we do owe something to them and to all those who, with patience and kindness, are caring for the family members we can no longer care for.
Gary Kent
Albion, NY