Supreme Court decision on abortion leaves many concerning unanswered questions
The Supreme Court’s decision returning abortion rights to the states is troubling on many fronts. The decision inserts the state between women and their health care.
How will prosecutors determine if there was an abortion or a miscarriage? Will prosecutors have access to your internet searches or phone records? Will your mail or home deliveries be subject to government scrutiny.
If a pregnant woman travels across state lines on vacation, will she have to tell government officials of her travel plans? Will women or their doctors have to inform the state of their pregnancy and file progress reports every three months?
There are exceptions to save the life of the mother but what does that mean? How sick does a patient have to be before medical professionals can act?
The first sign of grave concern could be an increase in blood pressure. Do doctors and health professionals, who have expertise in these matters, now have to get approval from some government bureaucrat, who has no expertise? Some cancer treatments can also be used as abortifacients. Will they be allowed to treat pregnant cancer patients?
This ruling will also fundamentally change the relationships among the states. Will states that oppose abortion try to prosecute abortion providers in other states? Can the mother of a teenage pregnant daughter be prosecuted for taking her across state lines for an abortion? Would someone in a state where abortion is illegal be allowed to sue someone in a state where abortion is legal? The Supreme Court’s ruling inserts government intruders between women, their doctors and their religious advisors. This decision is truly troubling.
William Fine