Murray GOP committee candidate seeks support in District 6

Posted 27 June 2022 at 10:46 am


I am a candidate running for re-election for the Town of Murray Republican Committee for election District 6 along with Adam Moore.

I still live by the motto, spoken by a past president, I wrote in a letter to the editor 4 years ago, talking about Americans. “We will never give up, we will never give in, we will never, ever back down, and we will never, ever surrender-because we are Americans and our hearts bleed Red, White, and Blue.”

It has been a difficult time in our world, state, and town in the last two to four years. We have not given up, backed down, or surrendered. Being on the committee is not easy. Working with others that have differing opinions has been a learning experience. But also understanding everyone has something to bring to the table has been vital.

Adam Moore and I live in our voting district. District 6 residents need to be represented by someone who lives here in their district. Adam and I are willing to serve and represent the residents of our district.

Other than representing District 6 on the Republican Committee, I have no other political, financial, or professional ties to the town’s government. I would like to continue to be a voice for my neighbors reflecting Republican core values and represent them fairly, honestly and openly while serving on our Republican Committee.


Kellie Gregoire
