Bullard Park hosted big event on June 4 with lots of food and fun for free

Posted 8 June 2022 at 12:17 pm


I would like to point out a correction for the article titled “Rock the Park returns to Albion on August 6th, at first big event at new amphitheater.”

This is absolutely untrue. Royal Body Shop Outreach Ministries held a 100% free event on June 4th. This event offered the community a place to talk, praise worship and have a meal with each other. Offered by the church were hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, cotton candy, popcorn, snow cones, bounce houses, face painting and family-friendly lawn games.

While they could not get coverage in any of our local papers, digital or otherwise, the event was very successful with over 400 hot dogs and hamburgers given away by word of mouth and Facebook sharing only.

Great things are happening here without being a paid event.

Nicole Horn
