Today’s Fair Schedule (July 26, 2014)

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 26 July 2014 at 12:00 am

Photos by Tom Rivers – Blacey Bakutis, 18, of Kendall practices dodging barrels with her horse Boomer Fritz during a drill on Friday evening.

Special Event: Kids Love Trucks: Orleans Emergency, Fire Departments, Law Enforcement, and Ambulance Services from across the county will have vehicles on display from 1 to 4 p.m.

Strolling Entertainment: Amazing Magic Joe, throughout the grounds, 5-9 p.m.

8 am: Senior Council Stand Opens

9:30 am: Horse Games Day (Gymkhana) – Carlos Marcello Arena

10 am: All Buildings Open

10 am: Little Britches Swine Show: Open to the Public – Swine Pavilion

11:10 am: Iron Chef 4-H Youth Activity Starts – Trolley Building

12 pm: Small-Animal Grand Master Showman Competition – Wachob Pavilion

Aaron Sugar of Albion pedals down the lane in the small fry tractor pull on Friday evening. Aaron won the 45 pounds and under division with a full pull that went 45 feet.

12 pm: Leaders’ Pie Stand Opens – Davis Building

12 pm to 8:30 pm: Master Gardner – Lawn of Education Center

12:10 pm: Iron Chef 4-H Youth Activity Judging – Trolley Building

1 pm to 4 pm: Kids Love Trucks: ORLEANS EMERGENCY, Fire Dept., Law Enforcement, and Ambulance Services from across the county. Education Center Parking Lot

1 pm: Registration Ends for Small Fry Pedal Tractor Pull – Fair Office

1:30 pm: Small Fry Pedal Tractor Pull – Pedal Tractor Course: Fair Office

1:30 pm: AirPlay Jugglers – Stage

A classic car show drew about 100 participants and big crowds by the Trolley Building and Education Center. Fire trucks and emergency vehicles from around the county will be stationed there for tours today from 1 to 4 p.m.

The classic car show took a break from the Medina Canal Basin to move to the fairgrounds on Friday.

2:30 pm: The Barnyard Review: Entertainment for your whole family – Lawn South of Knights Building

3:30 pm: Market Animal Auction Preview – Show Arena

3:30 pm: AirPlay Jugglers – Stage

4 pm: Market Animal Auction – Show Arena

4 pm: Small Fry Pedal Tractor Pull – Pedal Tractor Course: Fair Office

4 pm: Chainsaw Chix – Log Cabin

4:30 pm: The Barnyard Review: Entertainment for your whole family – Lawn South of Knights Building

5 pm: Steak Dinner: Sponsored by Renovation Lodge #97 Grand Lodge F&AM of NY Cost $12 – Curtis Pavilion

Trenton Jones, right, greets a horse ridden by Faith Woody of Albion on Friday evening. The horse riders were practicing a dance pattern set to music. Part of the routine includes a brief meeting with people along the fence.

5:30 pm: AirPlay Jugglers – Stage

6 pm: Set up for Band – Stage

6 pm: Chainsaw Chix – Log Cabin

7 pm: Julie Dunlap & High Maintenance Country Band – Stage

7 pm: Master Gardener Lecture – Education Center

7 pm: Awards Ceremony and Crowning of Fair Royalty – Curtis Pavilion

8 pm: Chainsaw Chix – Log Cabin

8:30 pm: The Barnyard Review: Entertainment for your whole family – Lawn South of Knights Building

9 pm: 4-H Dairy Cow Bingo – Cattle Building

10 pm: Buildings Close

10 pm: Greased Pole Climbing Contest, Final Qualifying Round (Teams Must Pre-register at Fair Office) – At Greased Pole

10:30 pm: Greased Pole Championship – At Greased Pole