Jacobs should admit his role in undermining faith in election with his Jan. 6 vote

Posted 1 April 2021 at 9:17 am


Congressman Chris Jacobs, in letters to constituents, stated his opposition to H.R. 1 was partially due to it not helping restore faith in fair elections.

“Unfortunately, this legislation would not improve elections or help restore public trust in the election process,” Mr. Jacobs wrote. If Mr. Jacobs was interested in restoring trust in our elections he would admit his part in creating that mistrust. On Jan. 6th Mr. Jacobs objected to certifying Joe Biden’s election because he objected to a different state certifying their election. Playing to the mythology, (the big lie), that the election was fraudulent. Even former President Trump’s lawyer Sidney Powell, recently stated in court that: “No reasonable person would conclude that the statements [made about election fraud] were truly statements of fact.”

It is a politically motivated lie, by Mr. Jacobs, that another state’s election was fraudulent that creates mistrust. It is politically motivated lies over prolonged time that has created mistrust in elections and government.

It’s interesting to note that in other objections to H.R. 1 by Mr. Jacobs, such as causing delays in voting, limit voter verification, or violate First Amendment rights have all been declared either misleading or false by fact checking organizations like FactCheck, PolitiFact and Newsweek Fact Checkers.

The Buffalo News in its Jan. 7th editorial wrote: “So, in addition to being chicken-hearted, Jacobs is also a liar.”

It is painfully obvious that Mr. Jacobs is not being honest with his constituents and he is not representing his district. He is instead using politically motivated lies to destroy faith in government.

William Fine
